Are Vitamin Supplements Safe and Effective?


As a local independent pharmacy, this is a common question, but the answer is not so simple.

Vitamin supplements are often marketed by companies as being able to provide you with the nutrients you need, but there’s a lot more to it than that. You need to be aware of what your body needs and why you’re taking the supplement in order for it to be effective.

The first thing to consider is whether or not your body is deficient in any vitamins. If you’re not eating a balanced diet or have other health issues that affect your ability to absorb nutrients well, then yes, supplementation may help you fill in those gaps.

But if you’re eating well and getting plenty of exercise, then food supplementation will likely do little good for you.

Another thing that can influence whether or not food supplements are right for you is your age: older individuals tend to benefit more from taking vitamins since their bodies aren’t absorbing nutrients as efficiently as they did when they were younger.

If an older person takes vitamins without having any specific nutrient deficiencies, they may actually increase their risk of developing kidney stones due to calcium buildup in their system because they aren’t metabolizing calcium very well anymore.

As long as they are taken in moderate amounts, supplements are considered to be safe as they do not contain any toxic ingredients. So you can purchase your supplements at your nearest free delivery pharmacy.

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Aside from medicines and other supplements, we also provide medical supply in Troy, New York.

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