Tips to Reduce Medication Concerns in Seniors


Most people over 65 need to take medication to control significant health concerns and improve their overall quality of life.

Medication synchronization can be difficult for certain seniors since various drugs, especially those used by older individuals, might cause side effects.

So before you head out to a local independent pharmacy, here are some tips on how to minimize common medication issues:

  • Get financial help paying for medication
    If your loved one’s prescription drug costs are straining the family budget, check into ways to lessen them. Identifying inefficient or unneeded medications in collaboration with a doctor is an excellent way to decrease medication use.
  • Go Over the Beers List
    Because older people’s digestive systems work differently, this list contains medications that are more likely to cause problems for them. See if the drugs your elderly loved ones are taking are on the Beers List. If a medication is on the approved list for your senior, DO NOT change it. Your doctor likely chose this medication for a reason.
  • Simplify medication regimen
    If you’re having a hard time keeping track of your loved one’s prescriptions, talk to their doctor or pharmacist about streamlining their medication routine.

At Lindsay Drug Co., Inc., a retail pharmacy in Troy, New York, we aim to help the community improve its quality of life by providing quality medications.

If you also require a reliable drugstore that offers adherence packaging/ pill packing in New York, we are the pharmacy that you can count on.

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